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Our Job Market Experience

Starting a business can be a daunting leap into the unknown. Our journey began like many others: fresh out of college, filled with ambition, and ready to conquer the world. However, the reality of the job market quickly set in. Every job seemed to demand years of experience that we simply didn’t have. After countless job applications and interviews with no luck, our optimism started to wane.

The Decision to Start Our Own Business

In the midst of this frustration, we decided to take control of our destiny. If no one would hire us, we would create our own opportunities. With nothing but determination and a tiny apartment as our base, we dove into the world of branding and website design. Our classroom? YouTube videos and blogs. We spent hours upon hours teaching ourselves the ins and outs of creating a brand and building a website from scratch.

Working Together and Learning the Ropes

There were so many unknowns, the biggest one being how well we would work together as business partners. But despite the uncertainties, we decided to take the plunge. We were united by a shared vision and a willingness to work hard. Our initial strategy was simple: build a portfolio. To do this, we offered our services at very affordable rates. It wasn’t about making a lot of money right away; it was about gaining experience and proving ourselves.

Building a Reputation: The Importance of Early Clients

Our first clients were crucial. We focused on delivering a comprehensive service that left no stone unturned. We wanted every client to feel supported in every aspect of their brand and website needs. If they had questions outside our expertise, we researched until we found the right solution. Our goal was to create an experience so exceptional that our clients wouldn’t hesitate to recommend us.

Word of Mouth: The Key to Our Growth

This strategy paid off over time. As word of mouth spread, we began booking more and more clients. With this steady stream of business, we were able to start fine-tuning our portfolio to reflect our personal design aesthetics—muted natural tones that resonated deeply with us and our ideal clients.

Continual Evolution: Adjusting and Expanding Our Services

As our business grew, so did our understanding of our clients’ needs. We continually added and adjusted our services to stay ahead of industry trends and meet the evolving demands of our clients. This included expanding our offerings to cover a broader range of design and branding services, as well as incorporating new tools and technologies to enhance our work.

The Present: A Thriving Design Studio

We look back on our journey with immense pride. From those early days of uncertainty and relentless learning, we’ve grown into a thriving design studio known for our dedication, creativity, and client-centric approach. We are forever grateful and thankful for where we are at today.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Our Business

Our journey is far from over. We’re constantly seeking new ways to innovate and improve our services. Whether it’s adopting the latest design trends or exploring new methods to enhance client satisfaction.

Our Commitment: Client-Centric Approach and Personal Growth

As we continue to grow, our commitment remains the same: to deliver outstanding branding and website design services that exceed our clients’ expectations. We’re passionate about helping businesses create their unique identities and thrive in their industries. Our journey has shaped us, and we’re excited for what the future holds.

Final Thoughts: Gratitude and Future Aspirations

Thank you for being a part of our story. Here’s to many more years of creativity, collaboration, and success! We invite you to join us as we continue to evolve and make our mark in the world of branding and design. To continue following along our journey follow us on Instagram and our blog!


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About Savannah and Dillon

As self-taught designers and entrepreneurs, we have had the privilege of accompanying countless business owners, investing our time in assisting businesses to drive meaningful impact and foster thriving communities. With a genuine passion for timeless design, we specialize in crafting one-of-a-kind brand identities, customized website designs, and captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression and inspire purposeful connections.

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Your brand deserves a digital home that embodies everything you stand for.

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