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Should you buy hosting on your own or go through your website design company? It’s pretty straightforward: get your own hosting. We always tell our clients to get their hosting separately from us, and here’s why it’s such a good idea. The main thing is you get to keep control, ownership, and the freedom to choose what works best for you. We’ve seen too many businesses run into issues when they try to switch website providers and end up struggling to get back control of their site, and sometimes even their domain. Let’s break down why buying your own hosting is smart and why we think it’s the way to go.

Greater Control and Ownership

When clients own their hosting, they maintain full control and ownership over their website’s infrastructure. This means they can easily manage their hosting account, make adjustments, and switch providers if needed. This level of control ensures that their website remains agile and adaptable to their needs without relying on a third party to make this happen for you. Don’t worry, we don’t leave our clients hanging and always provide recommendations and suggestions based on each client’s needs.

Transparency with Website Hosting Costs

When you purchase hosting yourself, you get to see the breakdown of the costs without any additional add-on fees. In instances where you pay a design company for your website services, there could be fees added to the hosting so there is a greater profit overall. We prefer to recommend hosting providers we enjoy working with and actually use for our business. If you don’t know where to start looking, we always recommend Dreamhost and WP Engine to our clients.

Flexibility and Scalability

Choosing their own hosting provider gives clients the flexibility to select plans tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s robust security features, scalable websites, or specialized support, clients can customize their hosting to align perfectly with their business goals. This flexibility ensures their website performs optimally, even during periods of growth or increased traffic. For any reason, if you ever are unhappy with your website hosting, you can always switch to another company. Don’t worry you are never stuck when you have control of your website’s backend.

Direct Access to Support and Security

Directly purchased hosting provides clients with immediate access to their hosting provider’s support team. This direct support ensures prompt resolution of technical issues and comprehensive assistance for optimizing website performance. The majority of the time, the hosting provider’s support team can help resolve any technical issue you come across. As long as you, choose one with great customer support. We like to pay a little more if there is great customer support. It can save a lot of headaches and frustrations.

How We Support You in Choosing Website Hosting

We understand the importance of selecting the right hosting provider. That’s why we offer personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and goals. Our goal is to ensure you choose a hosting solution that aligns with your business requirements, optimizing performance and minimizing costs where possible. We will tell it to you straight. There are so many options and add-on features, that it can get overwhelming quickly. Our objective is to keep it simple for our clients and really only suggest what they need and not try to oversell add-ons. We want you to be successful and your website host can help you get there!

Our Biggest Recommendation

Always buy your domain! We cannot stress this enough. Purchase your domain on your registrar of choice. If you don’t know a good register, we use Dreamhost as our registrar. We like to keep things all in one area for our domain and website hosting. If you do end up purchasing your hosting with Dreamhost (we went with their Dreampress plan), they will include a free year on a domain so as you go through that process, you will be able to add your domain as well. Basically, knock out two things in one swoop.

Again, purchase your domain yourself. If a company purchases it for you, they will have control of that domain and you may be required to purchase the domain from them if they decide to go that route.

Final Thoughts

By encouraging clients to purchase their own hosting, we empower them to take control of their online presence and optimize their website’s performance. This approach promotes transparency, flexibility, and scalability, allowing businesses to grow confidently without feeling stuck. We don’t want businesses to get stuck between a rock and a hard place.

If you have any questions about choosing the right hosting for your website, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help you make a decision on your website host.


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About Savannah and Dillon

As self-taught designers and entrepreneurs, we have had the privilege of accompanying countless business owners, investing our time in assisting businesses to drive meaningful impact and foster thriving communities. With a genuine passion for timeless design, we specialize in crafting one-of-a-kind brand identities, customized website designs, and captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression and inspire purposeful connections.

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